Welcome the Midsummer

I knew it was coming, but within the chaos of what had become my daily life, I lost track of the days. I woke up early, noticing how bright it was, checked the calendar and saw that date, today is Litha, Midsummer, the summer solstice. Whatever you recognize it as, it is a turning point in the year. The longest day of the year. Today we celebrate the sunlight and all it brings along with it.

I have been in the midst of a “Mid-life crisis” if you will. Though, this one has felt quite different than most of my previous ones. It has brought along an air of potential and hope with it, which I have observed from a distance and tiptoed around, without allowing myself to fully embrace it. As it has drawn closer to this day I have felt guided and pulled towards certain changes and directions, without a clear vision of the path. Until today, today I felt like I was practically flung towards what is meant for me, and I see it now. I’m no longer blindly wandering in the general direction of the unknown. I see it and I am ready.

I have built up a life of survival, with walls and barriers in place with the purpose of protection, keeping the negative out, but I have come to realize they have kept everything out, including what is meant for me. So even when a glimpse of direction or opportunity has shown through the cracks, I have not been able to see it for what it truly is. It was cloudy with cool temperatures and rained all day yesterday. And when I woke up this morning the sun was shining bright, a warm day filled with sunshine awaits. I love the rain and overcast weather, but it was so much more than that yesterday. It was the ending of a chapter, the turning of the wheel.

There are so many changes that are in process in my life right now, good changes, growth, progress, movement towards what is meant for me. And I am excited to share them as they come. This blog has been silent for quite awhile, but I am bringing it back to the light and will be sharing the changes and news as it comes. Thank you to all of those who have been with me through so much of my journey. I hope this seasons brings hope and light to your life and that you have the opportunity to soak it all up. Midsummer blessings to all of you.

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